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Hiring the best DUI Lawyer. How Should You Go About It?

Thousands of drivers get arrested for driving under the influence of either narcotics or alcohol. A DUI arrest is a very stressful experience; however, it is crucial to keep the composure and handle the circumstances as best as you should. An effective way of making the best of the situation is to hire the right DUI lawyer.

1-Be honest with yourself

There are DUI laws that deem a driver intoxicated in every state if their blood alcohol concentration or the BAC is over a limit of 0.08, which applies to all the states. Besides, your state may charge you with violations of more than one law. You may also face the penalties from the DMV while facing the criminal charges at the same time. The right DUI attorney Tampa can help sort it all out and plan a way to move ahead with the best interests.

2-Do not Try to Represent Yourself

While you are entitled to the right to represent yourself, it is not a good idea at all. When you prepare for the actual trial, it will involve a learning curve. The lack of legal skills and knowledge is only going to hurt you in the courtroom. The judges are very impatient with the defendants who represent themselves and are ignorant of court rules.

3-Think About the Public Defenders 

Mostly any criminal defendant has the right for legal representation. The public defenders are free of charge, and they are very familiar with the DUI laws of the state and the common defences. They also know the local judges and the prosecutors well enough to find out their tendencies, which is useful in a plea bargain. They also have a good trial experience as they take care of several cases. The biggest downside is that they are very busy. You may not be able to get the attention you need or deserve. Besides, you can not choose the public defender.

4-Create A List of Candidates

Your hunt for a DUI attorney might start with how you look for a lot of things. First, you should look for online reviews and testimonials. It would help if you also asked for personal recommendations for those you trust. Besides, not all cases are alike.


Before you decide on a DUI attorney Tampa, you should also check for disciplinary action against the lawyer.

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Bounnie MillerBounnie Miller
Bounnie is a professional content writter who loves to write
Joined: May 19th, 2020
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